Listed as one of the “Most Beautiful Villages in France”, Sare reflects the authenticity of the Basque Country.

Discovering Sare means plunging into the heart of prehistoric caves, admiring the surrounding landscapes from the summit of La Rhune and soaking up the Basque soul.

Nestled at the foot of the Rhune, Axuria and Ibanteli peaks, this village has preserved its traditions and typical architecture: the fronton, where Basque pelota is played, and the village square are one and the same.

The fortified church, the cemetery, the traditional Labourdine houses, the caves, the Maison Ortillopitz and its animal park, not forgetting the little Rhune train… so many unmissable sites to discover during your excursion inland.

Randonnée GR10 Sare ©AADT64-Gaillard-Munsch

La Rhune petit train 04 © TC Basques

Sare centre village © TC Basques

Grotte de Sare tête d'ours © Grottes de Sare

Sare église 002 © TC Basques

Sare eglise Saint-Martin ©F.Perrot

Sare lavoir quartier Ihalar ©F.Perrot

Sare rando velo VAE011©Ziklo