Experience the treasure hunt in a whole new way, and set off along the trails in search of the Poï’z!

It’s an original walk, a treasure hunt over a few kilometers that will allow you to discover Hendaye (and not only…) with its local heritage and anecdotes… all while playing!

The final cache is a flashable QR Code that allows you to progress through the game.

Equipped with ” Terra Aventura”, a 100% free smartphone app , you’re ready for adventure with your family!

Clues to pick up, riddles to solve and the excitement of finding the treasure:the Poï’z, the strong-willed little characters who populate the Terra Aventura universe, guide you and whose badges you can collect.

How does it work?

Download the free application at
(the application is also available in English and Spanish! ):

Download from App Store
Download from Play Store
  1. Choose your route: select it by theme / duration / difficulty or proximity.
    Download the route data, and set off on your treasure hunt.
  2. Set off on an adventure!
    Click on “Start”, then in a few simple steps, visualize your position on the map and make your way from stage to stage. Enter the answers to the riddles, and the GPS coordinates of the cache are displayed… All you have to do is let yourself be guided…
Father and daughter playing on the Terra Aventura course in Hendaye - Hendaye Tourisme

N.B.: the QR Code remains the only way for players to validate their journey via the application (no more mystery word entry).
For recurring requests from players to obtain badges linked to their discovery during the virtualization period:

  • Not sent to players by Tourist Offices.
  • No Tourist Office discount either.

Hendaye circuit

A great fan of literature, Zétoulu will accompany you on your journey:


  • Route: walk with riddles (synonym: treasure hunt)
  • Hide: treasure, bottle or box
  • Poï’Z: small character in the form of a badge, present in the treasure. It’s THE award, and there are many to collect!
  • Logbook: a notebook in the cache on which you can write a message.
  • Mystery word: this must be noted on the 2nd cover of the booklet, as it allows you to declare your discovery on the application and obtain bonuses.

Map of other routes in the region