Since 2022, Hélène David has been conducting a research and creative project based on the living soil of the Northern Basque Country. A fertile base from which to gather stories beyond the human, images from the buried, and unexpected lineages.

In the course of his investigation, the word Sasi [?a?i] came up. For his interlocutors, it refers to the bramble grove, the hallier, the wild, intricate bush. Where beasts hide and forests appear?

The photographs in this project were produced as part of the major national commission "Radioscopie de la France: regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire", financed by the French Ministry of Culture and piloted by the BnF."

Courtesy of Grottes d'Isturitz - Oxocelhaya.



  • From samedi 5 octobre to samedi 14 décembre
Prices Entrée libre.
GPS location Latitude : 43.3776
Longitude : -1.7388


Exposition - Lupa

Exposition - Lupa

du 08/01 au 01/02

Cette exposition rassemble un petit échantillon de notre travail, celui du processus artistique de 8 femmes qui ont décidé de se réunir et de partager cette exposition collective. De cette façon, l’exposition…