In Euskara.
A show that springs from the encounter between improvisation and dance. The Haatik company continues to explore new creative terrain, transforming the sound of bertsolaritza into contemporary movement.
The result is an entertaining show, created from melodies both old and new. The singularity of this work attempts to transfer the codes and exercises of bertsolaritza to dance, through which reflections on current issues are created, giving movement to new texts and popular melodies.
A show that springs from the encounter between improvisation and dance. The Haatik company continues to explore new creative terrain, transforming the sound of bertsolaritza into contemporary movement.
The result is an entertaining show, created from melodies both old and new. The singularity of this work attempts to transfer the codes and exercises of bertsolaritza to dance, through which reflections on current issues are created, giving movement to new texts and popular melodies.
Théâtre de rue
Opening- Le samedi 25 mai , à 20h30
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3404
Longitude : -1.73928
Longitude : -1.73928
Ouverture de la saison culturelle
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