Copyleft is a whirlwind of dance juggling mixed with a good dose of humor and various evocations of sport, with an artistic cast made up of an authentic "dream team" of diverse nationalities.

A piece that combines dance and juggling, created for the public space and any terrain.

The show has been awarded the Cultural Olympiad Paris 2024 label.


Théâtre de rue

  • Le vendredi 24 mai , à 20h30
GPS location Latitude : 43.3599
Longitude : -1.77428


Visite d'Hendaye Centre ville
Bookable online

Visite d'Hendaye "Centre ville"

Reservations essential. From the forecourt of Hendaye?s Saint Vincent church, discover the Gaztelu Zahar fronton and its pilotaris, the remains of Vauban?s ramparts with its unobstructed view of Hondarribia. Visit Bakar Etxea,…