Reservations essential.
The "Deux Jumeaux" rocks behind you, Spain in front, the ocean as far as the eye can see... a unique panorama for a walk in Hendaye!
It's an opportunity to discover the town's natural heritage, as well as its seaside architecture, with Edmond Durandeau's "Néo-basque" style villas.
This tour will also take you back in time to the turbulent history between France and Spain.
The "Deux Jumeaux" rocks behind you, Spain in front, the ocean as far as the eye can see... a unique panorama for a walk in Hendaye!
It's an opportunity to discover the town's natural heritage, as well as its seaside architecture, with Edmond Durandeau's "Néo-basque" style villas.
This tour will also take you back in time to the turbulent history between France and Spain.
Animation patrimoine - Visite
Architecture / Urbanisme - Patrimoine culturel
Opening- Le jeudi 17 octobre , à 10h30
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3734
Longitude : -1.77226
Longitude : -1.77226
Ouverture de la saison culturelle
10h00 > CENTRE SOCIAL DENENTZAT > "Cartographie des mémoires à Hendaye" par la compagnie des Vents et Marées. (Rendez-vous à 9h30 au Café Citoyen du fronton des Joncaux). Suivi d’un atelier de…
HENDAYEMarché alimentaire - Sokoburu
HENDAYEChampionnats de France de Beach Ultimate Frisbee
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