5 km or 10 km race.

Reserved for people over 16 years old, on presentation of an athletics license or a medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of running (less than one year old).

The course :

The runners will start from the Halles de Gaztelu, will go down the Vieux Fort street, then the Salvador Allende street and will go towards the Belcénia bridge, will go along the Txingudi bay, will cross the Orangers street via the marina quay, at the seawall, they will have to join by the beach - on the sand - the 2 twins and will make a U-turn

The return route will be identical to the outward journey to Belcénia where they will have to go up the stairs of the trinquet, pass on the left sidewalk and join the street of the Old Fort to arrive at the Gaztelu Market.

For the 5 km, the turnaround will be at the beginning of the path of the bay of Txin

Animations locales - Compétition sportive

  • Le vendredi 9 août , à 19h00
GPS location Latitude : 43.3578
Longitude : -1.77445


Visite d'Hendaye Centre ville
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Visite d'Hendaye "Centre ville"

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