The Bay of Txingudi is home to many rare, fragile and protected natural habitats.
Among these, the Sokoburu dunes are an invaluable example.
The commune of Hendaye has been working for several years to conserve this fragile habitat by implementing management measures designed to reconcile protection of the natural heritage with public use.

Follow our CPIE project leaders along the trails that have been laid out along this protected natural site in Hendaye, which is coming back to life as the years go by.

Each season, you can observe the evolution of the dune vegetation and the fauna that lives there. In autumn, wild pollinators are more discreet, but the dune flora offers fruit and seeds, essential for sedentary and migratory avifauna.

Bring your cameras!

Registration required.

Loisir nature

Développement durable - Nature

  • Le mercredi 9 octobre , de 14h30 à 17h00
GPS location Latitude : 43.3728
Longitude : -1.78723


Théâtre - Miñan

Théâtre - Miñan


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