Reservations required (no more than 2 sessions may be booked for this evening).

For adults with children.

In the grounds of Château Abbadia, the Société d'Astronomie Populaire de la Côte Basque offers 3 workshops for observing the Sun, Moon and Saturn... among other things.

Each observation lasts 45 minutes.

? 8.30pm-9.15pm: Sun observation and sunset.
? 9.30pm-10.15pm: Moon and Venus observation.
? 10:30-11:15 pm: The summer triangle and Saturn.

Animation Jeune Public - Atelier/Stage

Astronomie - Science et technologie

  • Le samedi 10 août , à 21h30
Prices Payment methods
  • Payment cards
  • Cash
  • Bank transfers
GPS location Latitude : 43.3773
Longitude : -1.74933
