In the heart of Hendaye beach, an out-of-date bistro, a survivor of the belle époque, an old zinc bar, characters with a strong identity. You're at Kanttu!
In a warm setting reminiscent of the bistros of yesteryear, our aim is to make you spend a pleasant moment in our company, and to share with you our vision of the gastronomy of the Basque Country, both rich and authentic. This starts with a selection of local products that follow the rhythm of the seasons, with suppliers certified organic or committed to responsible practices. On egin! Bon appétit!
Opening Ouvert de mi mars au 2 novembre. Réouverture du 5/12 aux vacances de Noël incluses.
Fermé les dimanches soir & lundis.Opening 2025 :
  • From 05/12/2025 to 31/12/2025
    Closed on Lundi, Dimanche soir
PriceMinMaxAdditional fee
A la carte9,00 €--

Entrée à partir de 9 €. Dessert à partir de 6 €.

Payment methods
  • Payment cards
  • Chèques Vacances
  • Cash
  • Does not accept cheques
  • Bank transfers
GPS location Latitude : 43.3727
Longitude : -1.77566

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