In the heart of Hendaye beach, an out-of-date bistro, a survivor of the belle époque, an old zinc bar, characters with a strong identity. You're at Kanttu!
In a warm setting reminiscent of the bistros of yesteryear, our aim is to make you spend a pleasant moment in our company, and to share with you our vision of the gastronomy of the Basque Country, both rich and authentic. This starts with a selection of local products that follow the rhythm of the seasons, with suppliers certified organic or committed to responsible practices. On egin! Bon appétit!
Opening Ouvert de mi mars à mi novembre.
Fermé les dimanches soir & lundis.
Prices Payment methods
  • Payment cards
  • Chèques Vacances
  • Cash
  • Does not accept cheques
  • Bank transfers
GPS location Latitude : 43.3727
Longitude : -1.77566

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Visite d'Hendaye "Centre ville"

Reservations essential. From the forecourt of Hendaye?s Saint Vincent church, discover the Gaztelu Zahar fronton and its pilotaris, the remains of Vauban?s ramparts with its unobstructed view of Hondarribia. Visit Bakar Etxea,…