Alone, with a rope, knife-throwing and an electric guitar, Marion narrates, in fragments, her story: childhood, the trial, adulthood.

She uses the circus and her body to express her inner battles, the desire for vengeance, the unspoken. She's looking for a way out in this life afterwards, where anything is still possible.
Beyond the performance, this show acts as a liberation. Opening Pandora's Box so that silence no longer reigns.


Théâtre de rue

  • Le vendredi 24 mai , à 23h30
GPS location Latitude : 43.3404
Longitude : -1.73928


Visite d'Hendaye Centre ville
Bookable online

Visite d'Hendaye "Centre ville"

Reservations essential. From the forecourt of Hendaye?s Saint Vincent church, discover the Gaztelu Zahar fronton and its pilotaris, the remains of Vauban?s ramparts with its unobstructed view of Hondarribia. Visit Bakar Etxea,…