The employment forum is organized by the Hendaye support center, including the Town of Hendaye, EPTA and SOKOA, in partnership with Pôle emploi / Lanbide...
Over 50 local companies are recruiting.
Over 50 local companies are recruiting.
Foire ou salon
Opening- Le jeudi 18 avril , de 09h00 à 13h00
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3512
Longitude : -1.77495
Longitude : -1.77495
Marché alimentaire - Centre-ville
Bookable online
Visite d'Hendaye "Quartier plage"
Reservations essential. The "Deux Jumeaux" rocks behind you, Spain in front, the ocean as far as the eye can see... a unique panorama for a walk in Hendaye! It's an opportunity to…
HENDAYEExposition - Faune et flore du Sud du Golfe de Gascogne
Through photographs taken in 2015 and 2020 on the rocky Basque coast by the IFREMER team in Anglet, discover the richness and diversity of the animals and plants of this coastline particularly…