Like every year, @handi__surf organizes the disability weeks in Hendaye ?

These are surfing initiations for people with disabilities. The sessions are free and available every weekday during the first three weeks of April, and we provide the equipment!

Our aim is to bring the joys of surfing to as many disabled people as possible?

Animations locales - Divertissement - Spectacle

  • Du lundi 8 avril au vendredi 12 avril
GPS location Latitude : 43.3404
Longitude : -1.73928


Visite d'Hendaye Centre ville
Bookable online

Visite d'Hendaye "Centre ville"

Reservations essential. From the forecourt of Hendaye?s Saint Vincent church, discover the Gaztelu Zahar fronton and its pilotaris, the remains of Vauban?s ramparts with its unobstructed view of Hondarribia. Visit Bakar Etxea,…

Exposition - Omenaldi Gisa

Exposition - Omenaldi Gisa

Cette exposition vous est proposée dans le cadre des 50 ans de l’association AKELARRE. Lola Sarratea est artiste par vocation. Née dans la montagne, elle a parcouru le monde et se plait…