2 time slots to choose from.
Our CPIE is developing a program to raise awareness of natural heritage and eco-tourism among tourist operators, accommodation providers and service providers.
From the ocean to the mountains, via the foothills and wetlands, our region offers a wealth of habitats. Whether in terms of flora or fauna, emblematic species also characterize the region. Geological heritage is also an important marker of the Basque Country's identity. Eco-tourism is also in full swing.
To this end, we are inviting all tourism organizations and players - tourist office staff, accommodation providers, service providers - to take part in a half-day discovery tour.
Our CPIE is developing a program to raise awareness of natural heritage and eco-tourism among tourist operators, accommodation providers and service providers.
From the ocean to the mountains, via the foothills and wetlands, our region offers a wealth of habitats. Whether in terms of flora or fauna, emblematic species also characterize the region. Geological heritage is also an important marker of the Basque Country's identity. Eco-tourism is also in full swing.
To this end, we are inviting all tourism organizations and players - tourist office staff, accommodation providers, service providers - to take part in a half-day discovery tour.
Animation patrimoine - Loisir nature
Opening- Le mercredi 17 avril , de 10h00 à 12h00 et de 14h00 à 16h00
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3787
Longitude : -1.7515
Longitude : -1.7515
Marché alimentaire - Centre-ville
04/12 HENDAYEMercredis des petits lus
04/12Pour les moins de 3 ans. Lectures pour les tous petits à la Médiathèque d’Hendaye.
HENDAYEBourse aux jouets
du 04/12 au 05/12Les jouets sont nettoyés et garantis en bon état ou neufs. Les bénéfices ont pour objectif de limiter les coûts des projets jeunes/séniors.