Join us for the downtown braderie all day long. Exhibitors, craftsmen, restaurants and shops from all over Henday come together on this convivial day to share their bargains and products with you.
Entertainment at 10:45am: Participatory musical creation.
The Urban Groove Band develops collective practice, listening, working together and enjoyment. This introduction to rhythm is suitable for all ages from 8 upwards, and offers a quick introduction to musical enjoyment. Up to 50 people can play together (equipment provided).
Textiles, accessories, jewelry, handicrafts, craft beers, bags, tea, coffee, cosmetics, decorative items...
Entertainment at 10:45am: Participatory musical creation.
The Urban Groove Band develops collective practice, listening, working together and enjoyment. This introduction to rhythm is suitable for all ages from 8 upwards, and offers a quick introduction to musical enjoyment. Up to 50 people can play together (equipment provided).
Textiles, accessories, jewelry, handicrafts, craft beers, bags, tea, coffee, cosmetics, decorative items...
Animations locales - Vide greniers Braderie
Mode / Vêtements - Vin / œnologie / spiritueux
Opening- Le jeudi 8 août , de 09h00 à 18h30
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3583
Longitude : -1.77478
Longitude : -1.77478
Bookable online
Visite d'Hendaye "Quartier plage"
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