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As part of its "YOUTH" program, the CPIE Littoral basque offers 6 courses each year for 8 / 12 year olds.
These courses are based on scientific discoveries and cultural and artistic practices.
They enable local youngsters to learn about the environment and take concrete action!
This second 2024 course is based on the exhibitionL?Herbe?O?Fil? Une exposition cousue au fil des 4 saisons - Christophe PAVIA presented at Asporotsttipi, la maison de la Corniche basque.
This "art and science" workshop focuses on biodiversity.
With morning field trips and afternoon art workshops led by artist Clémentine Bouchot, children are invited to create collages using photographs and cartographic representations of the Abbadia estate...
As part of its "YOUTH" program, the CPIE Littoral basque offers 6 courses each year for 8 / 12 year olds.
These courses are based on scientific discoveries and cultural and artistic practices.
They enable local youngsters to learn about the environment and take concrete action!
This second 2024 course is based on the exhibitionL?Herbe?O?Fil? Une exposition cousue au fil des 4 saisons - Christophe PAVIA presented at Asporotsttipi, la maison de la Corniche basque.
This "art and science" workshop focuses on biodiversity.
With morning field trips and afternoon art workshops led by artist Clémentine Bouchot, children are invited to create collages using photographs and cartographic representations of the Abbadia estate...
Animation Jeune Public - Animation patrimoine - Loisir nature
Opening- Du mercredi 17 avril au jeudi 18 avril , de 09h30 à 16h30
GPS location
Latitude : 43.3787
Longitude : -1.7515
Longitude : -1.7515
Ouverture de la saison culturelle
10h00 > CENTRE SOCIAL DENENTZAT > "Cartographie des mémoires à Hendaye" par la compagnie des Vents et Marées. (Rendez-vous à 9h30 au Café Citoyen du fronton des Joncaux). Suivi d’un atelier de…
HENDAYEMarché alimentaire - Sokoburu
HENDAYEChampionnats de France de Beach Ultimate Frisbee
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