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The employment forum is organized by the Hendaye support center, including the Town of Hendaye, EPTA and SOKOA, in partnership with Pôle emploi / Lanbide... Over 50 local companies are recruiting.

Bookable online

Registration required. For children aged 3 to 12. Discover traditional Basque games for the whole family! Games of precision, running and cooperation in the form of challenges suitable for all ages: straw…

Bookable online

Reservations essential. The "Deux Jumeaux" rocks behind you, Spain in front, the ocean as far as the eye can see... a unique panorama for a walk in Hendaye! It's an opportunity to…


Registration required. As part of its "YOUTH" program, the CPIE Littoral basque offers 6 courses each year for 8 / 12 year olds. These courses are based on scientific discoveries and cultural…

Bookable online

For children aged 2 and over, accompanied by an adult. Registration required. In the event of bad weather, retreat to the Halles de Gaztelu.

Là-Bas show

Là-Bas show

There are two of them. Two on an islet, a space isolated from the outside world. How long have they been there? They don't know. Day after day, they string pearls. Could…